All page types contain the WYSIWYG editor and the editor can be found on both the new content and edit screens. The WYSIWYG editor is very similar to a word processing program editor. It allows you to do things like bolds, italics, text alignments, bulleted lists, number lists as well as more advanced items like inserting images and videos.
Basic editor features. To set text as bold or italic click and drag to select the text you want to change and then select corresponding formatting you would like to use so click B for bold and I for italic.
Inserting Links. If you would like to insert links you can click and drag to highlight the word or words you want to set as a link and then click the insert link icon (Chain Link).
From the popup you can select internal or external. Internal allows you to search through your pages and files to link to them. External allows you to type in a url. You can also link to anchors on the page by typing the anchor tag text into the "Anchor" field.
If you want to link to a file that is not currently uploaded to Cascade server you can select the internal link option and select the folder you would like to place the file in. Then click the upload tab. From here you can browse your computer for a file and upload it directly into Cascade Server.
Links can be removed by selecting the link and clicking the break link button (broken chain link). You should also fill in the title field for the link. This will be useful for accessibility purposes. This will make a screen reader give a description of the link rather than the url when reading through the page so visually impaired users will have a better idea of what the link is pointing to. Also this adds a tool tip to the link so when you hover over the link you get a straight forward description of where the link goes to rather than just the web address.
To add an anchor place your cursor where you would like to place the anchor and then click the anchor button (icon that looks like a boat anchor). From the anchor pop up type in the text you would like to use for the anchor name and then click insert.
Additional styling options. You can add additional styles via the format pulldowns. To set styles from the format pulldown, select the copy you want to change and then go to the format pulldown and select the style you wish to set. The format pulldown mainly contains color options (blue, gold, red, and quote). Please avoid using red. It is not part of our color scheme and should only be used to highlight things like deadlines or required information. These styles are found under the custom formats menu.
The headings option under formats allows you to set headings and paragraphs. Headings 1 – 6 are available. Heading 1 is the primary page heading and is only used once per page. Please do not use Heading 1. Heading 1 is already set for you via the Display Name/Page Title. Use remaining headings in outline form. Heading 2 divides heading one. Divide heading 2 with heading 3 and so on. See example on following page.