The type styling should be consistent throughout the entire site. The following are the allowed headline and type classifications.


Main Heading (H1) – Univers 57 Condensed, 40px #004d86
This style is used for main page titles

Content Heading (H2) – Univers 57 Condensed, 30px #231f20
This style is used to divide content into main sections

Subheading (H3) – Univers 67 Bold Condensed, 24px #004d86
This style is used to divide content within sections

Content Subheading (H4) – Univers 67 Bold Condensed, 20px #231f20
This style is used to divide content within sections

Content Subheading (H5) – Univers 65 Bold, 18px #004d86
This style is used to divide content within sections

Content Subheading (H6) – Univers 65 Bold, 18px #231f20
This style is used to divide content within sections


Body Copy (B1) – Univers 55 Roman, 17px #231f20

Body Copy (B2) – Univers 55 Roman, 15px #231f20


All links should have the same styling as their parent style but should be gold #ce8901 and underline on hover. There are some exceptions, they include: breadcrumbs, accordions, tabs, homepage image links, and landing page image links.

Multiple links within tables, lengthy lists, or on custom pages can utilize the following format options to avoid a “sea of gold”:

  • Leave text in “parent style” and underline when a user hovers over the information with their mouse or keyboard.
  • Leave text in “parent style” and provide a “Read more” or “Learn More” option in gold.
