The form page type allows you to create online forms that can be submitted to an email, stored in an excel file or both.
Below is an example of the form content type.
There are several options at the top of the form that must be setup for the form to work. First is deciding how the data from the form is going to be used. You have several check boxes to choose from. There is send to email and save to excel.
If you select save to excel you will need to open the “If saving results to CMS” option and fill in the appropriate information.
The configuration page is set by default so you don’t need to do anything with it. The choose a file portion is used to set the folder for where your results will be stored. So you will need to select a file that is in the folder that you want the results to go to. Next you have the file-name field. This is simply the file name you want to use for the results file. Last you have results type. This is defaulted to generic and you don’t need to do anything with it.
If you select the send to email option you will need to open the “If results are to be emailed” option and fill in the appropriate information.
The first field is where the email is going to say it is coming from. I recommend you fill in a generic account for your department like The second field is the subject and the last field is the email that will receive the form results. You can set multiple emails to received the form results by using the + sign above the field.
After you are done filling the information in for where the form is going to send you can start building the actual form. The first piece to fill in is the form instructions. This area is a full editor so you can put in text, pictures, videos, etc.
After the form instructions are the form items/fields. Here you can use the field type pull down to choose from text, text area, radio buttons, check boxes, email, paragraph and dropdown options. Once you have selected the field type, you will need to fill in the name field.
The options after name are all optional and their use depends on the field type chosen. The label field can be used to display a more descriptive message than the name field. Default value will auto fill a value into the field. Value is used for radio buttons, check boxes, and drop downs. You can use the plus sign to add multiple values. The button alignment option is used for checkboxes and radio buttons. Validation allows you to force people to fill data that conforms to a specific scheme or format. This is really useful or phone number fields or emails. The last option is the required field.
You can add multiple fields by clicking the + sign in the top right corner of the Form Item area. Once you have multiple form items you can use the minus sign to remove an item or the arrow to change the order of the item.
If you use the email field type, when the form is submitted the respond to email will be sent as whatever the user enters. What this means is that when you recieve the message and click reply, it will fill in the email that the user submitted.
The paragraph option allows you to add in a text paragraph between fields. This can be used if you need to separate a form into multiple sections.
After you have created all of your fields, you will fill in the text for the submit button and the response message.
Below is an example of the output from the form page. Required fields are displayed with a red * next to them. Please note that if you submit the form before it is published Cascade will give you an error.